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Kolapore wilderness trails

First post of the year

18 Nov 2014 4:24 PM | Deleted user

It has been snowing steadily for hours now at Kolapore and I actually did a few laps around our property near Ravenna a couple of hours ago. (No rocks on our trails!)  It's obviously a while before the trails are skiable but all this snow has me looking forward to the coming season.


  • 19 Nov 2014 5:10 PM | Stephen
    I know you are all keen...Just had my first ski of the season on County Forest/King's Highway loop. My rock skis earned their name but it was beautiful. County Forest should be OK this weekend but don't bring your best gear!! You will likely bottom out occasionally. The ground is not frozen and the base has not settled. Also, keep in mind that we have run into difficulties with the ploughing of the main parking lot as the County is no longer clearing. It will not be cleared this weekend (which is OK as it will take a lot more snow for the trails at that end to be skiable.) We are working to have the ploughing sorted by the time the season starts.
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