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Kolapore wilderness trails

About 8 - 10 cm of new snow (updated)

26 Jan 2023 11:23 AM | Anonymous

At the south end of Kolapore we received about 8 - 10 cm of snow yesterday and overnight.  The snow gauge is now at 22 cm, although much of that is loose powder snow.  I did a long ski this morning, and my skis acquired lots of new scrapes.  Skiing is good on old laneways (e.g., most of the County Forest), but on Kingsway, Jackrabbit and John's Portage I was scraping rocks quite frequently.   Rock skis are STRONGLY recommended.   Kolapore Trail Guide


  • 26 Jan 2023 5:39 PM | Anonymous
    Thank you for the updates on tail conditions.. I especially enjoyed the "Bri-ometer" ratings of "awful" to "poor" to "6 or 7 out of 10"!
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