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Kolapore wilderness trails

January 1, 2016 Trail Conditions

01 Jan 2016 11:35 AM | Anonymous

At noon today, the Kolapore snow gauge was at 10 cm.  About 5 cm is a crusty base, covered by about 5 cm of powder.  If we get a bit more snow, a few sections of trail - mainly old lanes without many rocks - will be marginally skiable (on rock skis!)  When skiing does start, the best choice will be parts of the County Forest. 

High winds on Monday night brought down a number of trees on the trails.  The chain saw crew was out yesterday, and we are aware of 3 more trees that need to be cut.  However, we have inspected less than half the trails since the most recent wind storm, so there are undoubtedly other trails with trees down.  If you find a tree down on the trails that you can't remove, please send an e-mail to with a description of the location.

Kolapore Trail Guide 

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