The trails are still suffering the results of the freezing drizzle on the weekend. There is a crust on the snow everywhere, and on the trails there are very firm tracks. This is marginally OK on flat trails, but not on hills, which will be fast and rutted. As a result I don't recommend using the trails until we get about another 10 cm of fresh snow (we've had about 3 - 4 cm as of 4 pm Christmas Day).
Some nearby areas have had more new snow. Several of the Kolapore Trail Guides skied at Scenic Caves today, and there is about 10 - 15 cm of new snow there. Skiing was pleasant, although there were a lot of twigs and branches on the trails (another result of the ice storm.) I hear that Wasaga Nordic has had quite a bit of new snow, so I will probably try it tomorrow, unless Kolapore gets a decent amount of snow.
Kolapore Trail Guide