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Kolapore wilderness trails

Another 15 cm (Sunday Feb 16)

16 Feb 2025 10:30 AM | Anonymous

It's hard to tell how much new snow we've had in the last 24 hours because of drifting, but I would estimate about 15 cm.   The County Forest parking lot was plowed at 10 AM today.  The main Kolapore parking lot probably won't be plowed until later today, if then.  You would be crazy to try to drive into it until after it is plowed.  The official Kolapore snow gauge is probably getting to record levels - it should reach 3/4 metre today.  (A local cross country ski area is reporting that they have received over 5 metres of snow this season.  We haven't received quite as much, but we are not far off.)  Kolapore Trail Guide

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