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Kolapore wilderness trails

Yes, icy fast tracks March 7

08 Mar 2023 2:02 AM | trail updates

I headed out at 1:10 PM on the Country Forest trail, having not skied it this year.  I would say that the March 6 comments made by someone else are pretty accurate.  The tracks were frozen.  As I have a 3-pin binding I found at times the extra width of the binding would create friction in the track when on the flat or going uphill.  My no wax skis did not provide much grip in the track but did work outside of the track.  The snow outside the track was not hard enough to fully support my weight.  Most of the time I stayed in the track. When going downhill, I found it difficult to slow down because the snow was too dense for a good snowplow.  I did try the intermediate section towards the west end of the Country Forest trail between markers 62 and 63.  I skied off the trail to get a more gradual descent and that worked.

The snow coverage was excellent.  

It was a beautiful blue sky day and nice to be out.

P.S.  I notice the timestamps are 2 hours later than the actual time.

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