This is a minor update of a conditions post from last Saturday. There has only been a dusting of snow since then, and the trails have been heavily used. Most trails are well tracked in with icy glazed sections. It's super fast for experienced skiers but can be treacherous and unforgiving. Take it easy and be safe. Pick your route accordingly. It is strongly recommended that less experienced or more cautious skiers do not start at the Kolapore parking lot. The standard loop from the parking lot has some treacherous sections, and the track is washed out in many areas. The County Forest trails are still suitable for most skiers. Trails will only get faster until we get some new snow. Side Note: Trail usage is way way up but donations at the parking lot are down. Keep in mind that everything at Kolapore is accomplished through donations and the work of volunteers. The plowing, toilets, trail clearing, bridge construction, signage, insurance and construction take place 100% through trail community memberships and contributions. Support your local trail fairies. Give what you can.