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Kolapore wilderness trails

TRAIL Conditions

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  • 02 Jan 2023 10:40 PM | Anonymous

    With the mild temperatures we've had over the past few days, the snow has continued to melt.  Although there is snow cover in some parts of the forest, there are bare areas on the trails with rocks sticking through.  In the open areas most of the snow is gone.  The trails have been walked on in a number of areas.  So, I think skiing is finished until we get a serious dump of snow.  Kolapore Trail Guide

  • 31 Dec 2022 12:42 PM | Anonymous

    There is likely to still be slushy snow in the bush, but rocks will be showing through and the snow is disappearing in the open fields.  If you are really desperate to ski, it is probably still possible.  Please don't walk on the trails, because you will leave holes that will persist when the temperature drops.  Kolapore Trail Guide   

  • 29 Dec 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    As I post this at 9 AM, the temperature is already up to +3, and water is dripping off the trees from melting snow.  The trails will still be skiable, but be prepared for wet snow, and wet spots will start to appear on the trails.  Kolapore Trail Guide

  • 27 Dec 2022 1:30 PM | Anonymous

    The skiing this morning was about as good as it gets at Kolapore.  Good snow cover, most trails had been nicely skied in, and the trees were covered in snow.  There may be a few of the more remote trails that have not yet been skied.  Get out and enjoy before the melt.  Kolapore Trail Guide

  • 25 Dec 2022 11:30 AM | Anonymous

    There is 40 to 50 cm of snow in the bush (47 cm at the snow gauge) - more than enough for good skiing (if you don't mind breaking trail).  The parking lot at the east end of the County Forest (just off Grey Road 2) has been plowed, and a few skiers have gone in, although not very far.  The Kolapore parking lot has been partly plowed, and some skiers have gone in.  Kolapore Trail Guide

  • 24 Dec 2022 2:00 PM | Anonymous

    Kolapore has received about 20 cm of snow in the last 36 hours, and it is squalling at the moment.  There is over 30 cm of snow in the bush.The prediction is for quite a bit more snow.  Once the winds drop, there should be some excellent skiing, but be prepared to break trail.  The high winds will have brought lots of branches down - please help by moving them off the trail.  If it is too big to move, send an email to  Kolapore Trail Guide 

  • 19 Dec 2022 2:40 PM | Anonymous

    Yesterday and overnight Kolapore received about 12 cm of snow.  This brings the snow in the bush to about 20 cm.  There is a few cm of crust at the bottom, with powder on top.  This isn't enough to cover all the rocks, but it is a great start.  Kolapore Trail Guide

  • 15 Dec 2022 2:37 PM | Anonymous

    Currently there are a few cm of snow on the ground, and it is starting to snow.  I will be posting regular updates to conditions from now on.  There weren't any posts for the early winter conditions because I was in New Zealand.  I encourage other trail user to also post about conditions.  Kolapore Trail Guide

  • 28 Mar 2022 8:27 AM | Anonymous

    Kolapore received about 20 cm of snow over the past two days.  From a skiing perspective, the problem is that most of the base had melted.  I skied parts of County Forest and Southern Crossing this morning, from Grey Road 2 to the 10th Line.  Conditions ranged from pleasant to poor. Conditions were best on the old lanes that hadn't been chewed up by logging.   Rock skis are strongly recommended.  We came back with quite a bit of mud on our skis. Kolapore Trail Guide

  • 20 Mar 2022 5:13 PM | Anonymous

    If you are desperate to do a bit more Kolapore skiing, there are one or two locations where it is possible.  At the east end of the County Forest there is still almost complete snow cover.  There is no ski track, so you need to be sure to go out when the snow is a bit soft.  Elsewhere there are trail entrances where there is a narrow path of snow left (west end of the County Forest), and some locations where the snow is almost entirely gone.  And FYI, I've put my Kolapore (rock) skis away for the season.  Kolapore Trail Guide

Recent TrailForks reports

(Trail, Report Date, Condition)

*Please note the dates on the trail reports. Some of Kolapore's trails take a couple of days to rebound after rainy weather.

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