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Kolapore wilderness trails

TRAIL Conditions

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  • 02 Jan 2013 7:44 PM | Anonymous
    We haven't had a lot of new snow since my last post - the snow gauge is at 25 cm.   This is still thin, given the rocky nature of the Kolapore Uplands.  I've skied most of the trails at the south end of the system, and they are in decent shape with two specific exceptions.  Both Southern Crossing west of the 10th line, and Quiet Pastures south of the intersection with Northwest Passage, have numerous wet sections.  At the moment these trails should only be used by hard core skiers who don't mind dodging the wet spots.
    Please obey the Trail Closed signs at the east end of the County Forest (east of intersections 5 and 11).  There is logging underway, and Grey County is very concerned about the fact that some users are ignoring the signs, thus creating significant hazard/liability issues.   
  • 31 Dec 2012 1:41 PM | Anonymous
    The Kolapore snow gauge is at 23 cm (just under 10").  Because of the rocky terrain in the Kolapore Uplands, this is a thin snow cover.  However, the skiing has been surprisingly good.  Where the trails have been skied it is possible to avoid most rocks, and most wet areas are in reasonable shape.  Caution is still required, particularly on downhills.  And using your "rock skis" is strongly recommended.  (Your skis will probably become rock skis if they don't already have that designation.)  A reminder - the trails at the east end of the County Forest - east of 11 and 5 - are closed due to logging.  If you notice a problem on the trails, please post it here, or send an e-mail to:
    Kolapore Trail Guide  
  • 27 Dec 2012 12:19 PM | Anonymous
    Last night the Kolapore Uplands received about 15 cm of snow, and as I write this at 10:20 AM, it is still snowing hard.  The total snow cover is now close to 30 cm in dry areas.  The snow cover could still be around zero in wet areas, because the ground isn't frozen yet.  I think (and will test this shortly) that there is enough snow to ski on some of the drier and less rocky trails at Kolapore.  However, considerable caution will be required because the rocks will be very close to the surface. 
    Kolapore Trail Guide
  • 22 Dec 2012 1:30 PM | trail updates
    Kolapore received about 15 cm of snow yesterday and overnight.  There was no base, so this is not enough snow to provide satisfactory skiing on the Kolapore trails, even on the trails that we recommend for low snow conditions.  As I noted in my previous posting, the County Forest trails east of intersections 5 and 11 are closed due to logging.  We inspected the areas that have been logged, and you really don't want to try to ski on the closed trails - there is serious rutting and lots of branches down.   We expect that these trails will remain closed all winter.
    Kolapore Trail Guide
  • 04 Dec 2012 5:44 PM | Anonymous
    Although Kolapore had two good snowfalls in November, the warm spells and rain have eliminated all the snow.  It is disgustingly green!  Conditions on the trails are quite damp - we need a good freeze to make the trails skiable.  Trails at the east end of the County Forest (east of intersections 5 and 11) will be closed for at least the first part of this winter due to logging.  This isn't a theoretical possibility - the logging has started.  Don't think of coming in from Entrance E (at Grey Road 2) - the trails will be a mess.
    Once again this winter, I will be doing regular postings of trail conditions.
    Kolapore Trail Guide
  • 10 Mar 2012 4:15 PM | Anonymous
    There is still snow at Kolapore, although the depth varies considerably.  In flatter areas in the forest there is still 30 to 40 cm of snow.  On south facing slopes or in open areas, snow cover can be very thin.  The snow consists of a solid base plus about 5 cm of  powder.  Although not everyone will agree, I think the best skiing today was off track - the crust is so solid that you don't break through, and there is enough new snow to soften it and give some control.  In open forest, it was possible to ski anywhere.  The condition of the track is variable - in some areas it is quite rutted, and we are starting to get reverse tracks (i.e., the compacted tracks are melting more slowly than the adjacent snow, and may be higher.)    Given the weather forecast, today may have been the last day of decent skiing (I'm not a fan of skiing on slush).   Let's hope we have a decent winter next year.  If you haven't already done so, please consider joining the Kolapore Wilderness Trails Association. The first annual meeting of the Association is on Saturday May 5 at 10 AM in the Ravenna Hall.
    Kolapore Trail Guide
  • 04 Mar 2012 11:31 AM | Anonymous
    Kolapore has received about 15 cm of snow in the last 36 hours, so the skiing should be good today, with a few cautions.  The snow fell on top of slushy snow, and the slush is still there in some cases.  Be sure to take a good scraper when you ski, since there is a chance that you may ice up periodically.   The winds yesterday brought down a lot of branches, and you will need to exercise caution.  Where possible, please help other skiers by removing branches that you encounter.  If you come across a big tree down that requires a saw or chain saw please post a note here or send an e-mail to
    Kolapore Trail Guide       
  • 03 Mar 2012 1:10 PM | Anonymous
    The Kolapore parking lot has been plowed since the last post.  However, today is probably a good day to stay at home.  The high winds are bringing numerous branches down, and driving is not advisable.  As I write this at 11:15, the temperature is -1 and there is probably about 3 cm on top of the slush resulting from last night's rain, and it is still snowing.  We will need more new snow to make the trails enjoyable.  When you are able to get out on the trails, be prepared to encounter branches or even downed trees.  Help make the trails safe by removing branches where possible.     
  • 01 Mar 2012 12:13 AM | Anonymous
    There have been some challenges with the plowing (lack thereof) of the Kolapore parking lot recently.  This lot is normally plowed as a public service by Grey County.  For some unknown reason it was not plowed this past weekend, when we probably had the heaviest snowfall of the winter.  It was still not plowed when I went by on Tuesday, although enough brave souls had bashed there way in that most vehicles would now be able to get in.   We will be following up on this issue.  When this type of problem arises it is possible to park on the roadside at Metcalfe Rock and pick up the Kolapore trails there. 
    Kolapore Trail Guide

  • 25 Feb 2012 11:11 AM | Anonymous
    As I write this at 9:15 (don't believe the time stamp), there has been about 20 cm of new snow since early Friday, and it is snowing hard.  Environment Canada is suggesting we could get another 10 to 15 cm.  Skiing should be great.  In the short term parking may be a consideration - the Kolapore parking lot may or may not be plowed.  The town plow has plowed the Townline, so roadside parking is available at Entrance E.

Recent TrailForks reports

(Trail, Report Date, Condition)

*Please note the dates on the trail reports. Some of Kolapore's trails take a couple of days to rebound after rainy weather.

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