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Kolapore wilderness trails

TRAIL Conditions

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  • 04 Feb 2013 5:20 PM | Anonymous
    Since my last post, Kolapore has received another 5 cm of snow.  I measured the snow in an open area, and we have about 13 cm (5") of fresh snow that has accumulated since the thaw last week.  This is still very thin for Kolapore skiing.  We have been missing some of the great squalls that have been coming off the bay.  I was at the top of Blue Mountain this morning, and they had at least 20 cm of new snow that had fallen overnight and today, and it was snowing so hard it was difficult to see.  This should improve the cross country skiing at Scenic Caves, which was quite poor yesterday.
    Kolapore Trail Guide
  • 02 Feb 2013 7:31 PM | Anonymous
    Since my last post yesterday morning, Kolapore has received about another 4 cm of snow.  This brings the total new snow since the thaw earlier this week to about 10 cm.  At the risk of sounding like a broken record, this isn't really enough to provide enjoyable skiing on most of the Kolapore trails.  Skiing may be OK in areas where there was a snow base remaining after the thaw this week, but unfortunately there are lots of areas where the snow cover was completely melted.
    I skied at Wasaga Nordic today, and it was pleasant.  It is a scenic area, and the longer trails run through interesting rolling terrain.
    Kolapore Trail Guide  
  • 01 Feb 2013 9:38 AM | Anonymous
    Kolapore has received about 5 - 7 cm (3") of snow since the thaw this week.  This is not nearly enough to make the trails skiable, particularly in areas where the base completely melted.  I will do frequent posts as conditions improve.
    Kolapore Trail Guide
  • 30 Jan 2013 12:11 PM | Anonymous
    The rain and warm weather have done bad things to the Kolapore snow cover.  Fields are largely bare.  In the forest there are still areas with snow, but also large bare patches.   There is a lot of water sitting around.  So, we need both cold weather and a substantial amount of snow to make the trails skiable.
    Kolapore Trail Guide  
  • 25 Jan 2013 11:55 PM | trail updates
    Kolapore has received several cm of snow since my last post.  However, the overall trail conditions haven't changed a lot, and I will repeat some of the commentary from the previous post.   Snow cover is still around 20 cm (8")  This provides decent skiing on many trails, although some of the rockier trails and trails under conifers are only "fair".   The strong winds last weekend brought down branches, so caution on hills is desirable.  The Trail Guides have cleared some of the more popular trails (Kolapore Church, Paradise Highway, Wild Mouse, Kingsway, Jackrabbit, John's Portage).  However, we have not yet been on other trails.  If you encounter branches on the trail, please help by removing them where possible.  If they are too big to remove, please send an e-mail to with information about the location, and the trail guides will try to remedy the problem. 
    Kolapore Trail Guide
  • 22 Jan 2013 7:40 PM | Anonymous
    Fresh snow over the past few days has considerably improved trail conditions.  The Kolapore snow gauge is now up to 20 cm (8").  This provides decent skiing on many trails, although some of the rockier trails and trails under conifers are only "fair".  In spite of the recent cold weather there are still wet spots.  The strong winds on the weekend brought down numerous branches, so caution on hills is desirable.  Please help by removing branches where possible.  If they are too big to remove, please send an e-mail to with information about the location, and the trail guides will try to remedy the problem.  The trails at the east end of the County Forest remain closed because of logging.   
    Kolapore Trail Guide
  • 20 Jan 2013 5:02 PM | Anonymous
    Kolapore had rain last night, followed by 10+ cm of snow.  I did a short ski this morning, and concluded that there is just enough snow to ski satisfactorily on the drier and less rocky trails.  On the rockier trails (I.e., most of the Kolapore trails), you are still likely to frequently encounter rocks.  One additional challenge is that it is possible to ice up, because there is slush under the snow.  Both the thin snow and slush are likely to be fixed if we get the predicted heavy snowfalls and cold weather. 
    A reminder that the eastern County Forest trails are closed due to logging.  Although the logging should be completed in the near future, the trails are likely to remain closed because of the poor conditions (rutting and logging debris on the trails.)
    Kolapore Trail Guide   
  • 18 Jan 2013 11:34 AM | Anonymous
    Kolapore received about 10 cm of new snow over the past few days.  This starts the recovery process from the thaw on the weekend, however the trails are not yet skiable.  The thaw was bad enough that some parts of the trails had zero snow cover, and many rocks were sticking out.  The forecast over the next week sounds like there could be quite a bit of snow coming.  You would be wise to wait until there is more snow cover.  Check here for updates. 
    Some of the local commercial trails (Scenic Caves and Highlands Nordic at Duntroon) sound like they had more snow than Kolapore, and may be worth trying.  Although they are close to Kolapore, when streamers come off Georgian Bay we find that these areas often get more snow than Kolapore.  This is based on our personal observation, not just on the snowfall that they report on their website!   
    Kolapore Trail Guide 
  • 12 Jan 2013 12:57 PM | Anonymous
    Based on a windshield survey and a short walk, I don't think that the trails are skiable at the moment.   I went in at entrance W in the County Forest, and the general snow cover is 5 - 10 cm, with lots of bare spots.  There may be a bit more on the trail where it has been packed by skiers, but not enough to cover many rocks.  Overall, we have marginal spring conditions.
    A skier believes she lost a set of keys in the Entrance N (Grey Road 2 at Kolapore) parking lot last weekend.  If you know anything about keys being found, please send an e-mail to
    Kolapore Trail Guide  
  • 06 Jan 2013 11:39 AM | Anonymous
    Kolapore had about 2 cm of snow last night, and more snow is predicted.  This will help to freshen up the trails.  As noted in my previous post, snow cover is still thin (about 25 cm) and it is easy to hit rocks on downhills.  Use your rock skis.  Since my previous post I've skied more trails, and can confirm that the only trails with serious water problems (that I'm aware of) are Southern Crossing west of the 10th line and Quiet Pastures south of the intersection with Northwest Passage.  I haven't been on Northwest Passage yet.  The trails at the east end of the County Forest are closed because of logging.  Please stay off these trails. 
    Kolapore Trail Guide

Recent TrailForks reports

(Trail, Report Date, Condition)

*Please note the dates on the trail reports. Some of Kolapore's trails take a couple of days to rebound after rainy weather.

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