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Kolapore wilderness trails

TRAIL Conditions

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  • 27 Feb 2014 2:18 PM | Anonymous
    Kolapore now has about 10 cm of powder snow on top of the crust, and skiing conditions are improving.  I went for a short ski this morning (Entrance E through the County Forest to 11, and then around the south end of Kingsway and John's Portage) and the skiing was quite pleasant.  I would still recommend avoiding some of the steeper hills until we get more snow.  There are lots of branches down because of recent high winds, so you should be aware of the possibility of encountering an obstruction.  If you do see branches down, please help us (and other skiers) by tossing them off the trail where possible.  If they require a saw, please send an e-mail to  
    FYI, the ski season could last quite a while yet - the snow gauge is back up to 63 cm, and a lot of that is a firm base.  One of the few advantages of the recent thaw is that most ski poles won't sink too far into the snow now (unless you have the very small baskets, which don't make sense at Kolapore any time.)
    Kolapore Trail Guide
  • 22 Feb 2014 9:40 AM | Anonymous
    As a result of the recent thaw and the current freeze, the trails are rutted and icy.  Kolapore has received about 5 cm of snow overnight (Sunday night), but this isn't enough to provide safe and enjoyable skiing.  We strongly discourage trail use until after there is an adequate amount of new snow.  It is snowing hard as I post this (Monday 9:30 AM), and I will update the posting as soon as we get a significant amount of additional snow. 
    Kolapore Trail Guide
  • 17 Feb 2014 10:27 PM | trail updates
    Just want to say a HUGE thank you to the dedicated volunteers who maintain the Kolapore Wilderness trails, especially during this exceptional winter. We spent a fabulous Family Day weekend re-discovering the trail network. Saturday enjoyed the "warm-up" on the County Forest trails first, then headed west along Kingsway (11,12,61,13,14) to Jackrabbit (14, 34, 33, 58), south along Quiet Pastures and finished up with the Southern Crossing. All trails were in excellent shape with a bit of fresh snow from Friday night to Saturday. Definitely need a map so as not to get lost in the labyrinth of trails. All sign posts are in good shape and easy to navigate through the system. Sunday enjoyed the circuit from the North parking lot along Kolapore Church trail, then picked up Paradise Highway at 24. More skiers were out in the northern section than the southern section, so the trails were packed down and the two ski tracks weren't always distinguishable, but still, so lovely to ski in a more "back country" setting. More people out meant it was easier to snowplow down some of the steeper slopes. Loads of animal tracks, lots of woodpeckers were heard, gorgeous views of the springs and creeks gurgling along. Unfortunately the snowmobilers were out in force, so occasionally their whine spoiled the silence. We were pleased to meet trail guides at point 34 on Saturday and had a grand chat about the conditions. Again, thank you to you folks who maintain these wonderful trails.
  • 14 Feb 2014 11:14 AM | Anonymous
    Most trails are in excellent shape, so get out and enjoy them this weekend. Kolapore hasn't had a lot of new snow over the past week, although we did have about 5 cm of light powder last night and this morning.  Parts of the Kolapore Church - Paradise Highway loop are well packed, and thus are quite fast.   Some less experienced skiers might find the first section of Paradise Highway in from the Kolapore parking lot to be fast and bumpy.  A snowmobile has recently driven on the west end of Kolapore Church trail, and the east end of Northwest Passage (north from Kolapore Church trail).   The toilet has been reinstalled in the Kolapore parking lot.
    Kolapore Trail Guide
  • 07 Feb 2014 12:52 PM | Anonymous
    Trail conditions haven't changed much since my post on Monday, because we haven't had a lot of new snow - somewhat over 5 cm.  The trails continue to be in prime mid-winter condition.  The Kolapore parking lot was plowed recently, and is in good shape.  (This wasn't the case earlier this week.  Plowing is done as a public service by Grey County, and they undoubtedly had other plowing priorities.)
    Get out and ski - it will be cool this weekend, but the skiing should be great.
    Kolapore Trail Guide  
  • 02 Feb 2014 10:18 AM | Anonymous
    I was delighted to see Gerry's post, since this site isn't intended to be a monologue.  Yesterday was another "lovely day to ski", and today will be too.  Kolapore received over 10 cm of snow yesterday.  The trails are in prime mid-winter condition.  The snow gauge is over 60 cm.  There were lots of skiers out yesterday - the most we've seen any day so far this winter.   This means that virtually all trails have good tracks, including some of the quiet corners like Southern Crossing and Quiet Pastures.
    Kolapore Trail Guide
  • 31 Jan 2014 9:24 AM | Deleted user
    The drive north was dodgey with icy roads and blowing snow, lots of roads still closed. So much recent snow in Kolapore you can put away your rock skis for now. What I wish I had brought was my wide, heavy wooden skis as I found the track lofty in many places so breaking through periodically seemed to be an issue. With more skiers the track will pack down and firm up more. We skied down Red had been a few years; nothing focuses the mind like a run down this hill in a full tuck. Lots of soft snow if you need to bail.
    Kolapore is in full winter mode and an afternoon gliding through the forest, listening to the trees creaking, feeling the wind howl across the top of a ridge all adds up to

     "A lovely ski day!"
  • 28 Jan 2014 7:14 PM | Anonymous
    Since my last post we've probably had about another 10 cm of new snow.  The snow gauge is at 58 cm.  The trails are in prime mid-winter condition, although some trails may not have recent ski tracks.  With the cold weather and high winds, there have been fewer skiers out than usual the last few days.  If the winds continue,  be sure to check road conditions before heading to Kolapore.  Parts of Grey Road 2 south of the Kolapore area were in poor condition this afternoon, and some roads including 124 were closed.
    Kolapore Trail Guide  
  • 25 Jan 2014 12:17 PM | Anonymous
    Since my posting yesterday, Kolapore has had about 10 cm of new snow - although it is hard to estimate snowfall, because of all the drifting.  This should help to freshen up the trails.  There is lots of snow, and all the perennial wet spots should be frozen. Grey County did a really serious plowing job on the Kolapore parking lot a few days ago, and pushed all the snow banks back, so there is lots of space.  There will be a fair amount of new snow in the lot until they have a chance to plow again.
    Kolapore Trail Guide. 
  • 24 Jan 2014 6:08 PM | Anonymous
    In spite of several forecast snowfalls, we've only had a few light dustings since my Monday posting.  The snow gauge is at 50cm - slightly less than it was on Monday, because the top layer of powder snow has settled a bit.  Some of the popular trails are starting to get quite packed - the snow that is predicted for tonight and tomorrow should help to freshen up the trails. 
    Kolapore Trail Guide 


Recent TrailForks reports

(Trail, Report Date, Condition)

*Please note the dates on the trail reports. Some of Kolapore's trails take a couple of days to rebound after rainy weather.

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