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Kolapore wilderness trails

TRAIL Conditions

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  • 20 Dec 2014 11:21 PM | Anonymous

    I was pleasantly surprised by the skiing in the County Forest and some adjacent trails today.  Although there is only about 5" - 6" of snow, the solid base kept us off most rocks, and there was a modest amount of powder on top.  The skiing should be OK for a day or two - until the predicted warm and wet weather arrives.  I wouldn't use the Kolapore entrance, because there have been walkers on the trail and there are a lot more rocks.

    I'm becoming more optimistic that a solution will be in place for snow plowing for 2014 - 2015 at the Kolapore parking lot in the near future.  However, this will need the support of Kolapore skiers through donations and/or memberships.

    Kolapore Trail Guide     

  • 12 Dec 2014 10:17 AM | trail updates

    Unfortunate that the County does not feel able to clear the lot. I am glad that my membership contribution will assist in getting the season under way- but I am hopeful that the County will step up again in recognition of the local economic contribution of this excellent trail system.

  • 18 Nov 2014 4:24 PM | Deleted user

    It has been snowing steadily for hours now at Kolapore and I actually did a few laps around our property near Ravenna a couple of hours ago. (No rocks on our trails!)  It's obviously a while before the trails are skiable but all this snow has me looking forward to the coming season.

  • 28 Mar 2014 7:54 PM | trail updates
    Just wondering if anyone's been out on the trails today (Friday)?

  • 26 Mar 2014 8:56 AM | Anonymous
    Kolapore received a few cm of snow yesterday, which will help to freshen up the trails.  Skiing should be good to excellent today, and may be not bad tomorrow before it gets warm.  After that, the forecast suggests we will be into sloppy or icy conditions.  I expect that today will be my last day of skiing this season.  It's been a great winter.
    Kolapore Trail Guide 
  • 24 Mar 2014 9:23 AM | Anonymous
    It's amazing how winter is hanging on.  Kolapore received about 20 cm of snow on Friday night/Saturday.  With the cool temperatures the skiing was quite good yesterday, although the sun is strong enough that it is warming the snow.  This can result in clumping when it is warm, or icy tracks when it cools.  There is 78 cm (30") of snow at the snow gauge, so if you like spring skiing, there could be several weeks of skiing left.
    Afternoon update:  We did a long ski this morning and early afternoon.  Conditions varied from good to excellent.  South facing and open areas can be a bit crusty or glazed, but still quite good.  North facing slopes still have powder snow.  Ski tracks are in very good shape.  Get out and enjoy it while you can - based on the weather forecast, winter ski conditions are only likely to last another day or two. 
    Kolapore Trail Guide
  • 20 Mar 2014 11:54 AM | Anonymous
    After the rain yesterday and the freeze overnight, we strongly recommend not using the trails.  We've had a few cm of snow, but not enough to make the trails safely skiable.
    I've had a report that a tree is down on Kolapore Church between 56 and 57, which is apparently blocking the bridge.  The trail guides will take a look at it as soon as (if) it is safe to ski.  If anyone has seen this, and can give us an idea of how big the tree is, (is it removable with hand saws?) please send an e-mail to
    Kolapore Trail Guide 
  • 13 Mar 2014 9:00 AM | Anonymous
    Kolapore received 10 cm+ of new snow yesterday.  I'm not sure what the skiing will be like - there may not be quite enough snow to fill in the old frozen ruts.  Off trail skiing may be quite good.
    Kolapore Trail Guide
  • 11 Mar 2014 8:45 AM | Anonymous
    The snow has gone through several thaw - freeze cycles.  When it is cold, the trails will be very icy, and we recommend staying off them.  If you like spring skiing, the skiing will be passable when it warms up enough to soften the snow.  However, conditions will be variable - north facing hills will take longer to soften.  Although there is still a lot of snow at Kolapore, I don't expect to do much skiing here unless we get some new snow.
    Kolapore Trail Guide
  • 09 Mar 2014 11:03 PM | trail updates
    Just a heads up that on Sunday we found a snowmobile had run from around 58 to almost 36 on Quiet Pastures, the track had frozen solid making it a bit of a difficult and unpleasant ski. 

Recent TrailForks reports

(Trail, Report Date, Condition)

*Please note the dates on the trail reports. Some of Kolapore's trails take a couple of days to rebound after rainy weather.

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