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Kolapore wilderness trails

TRAIL Conditions

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  • 24 Feb 2012 2:27 PM | Anonymous
    Kolapore has received about 5 cm of snow overnight and today, and there is a blizzard as I write this posting at 12:30.  There is a crust under the new snow, but if we get as much as is predicted, there should be good skiing this weekend.   I was delighted to see that someone else did a posting last weekend - please follow their lead.  (I didn't do a posting because I was away cross-country skiing in the Laurentians and in the Quebec City area.  Quebec has so many fabulous trails, and many areas have good snow conditions.  There is a metre+ of snow a short drive north of Quebec City.)   Kolapore Trail Guide  
  • 20 Feb 2012 10:45 AM | trail updates
    Beautiful day in the County Forest this past Saturday.  Soft snowfall most of the morning, but warm temps made us wonder about our "no wax" skis.  36 cm on the gauge at stn.11.  Great to see John's Portage Open again! Hemlocks snow-loaded like a Lawren Harris painting!
  • 12 Feb 2012 10:37 AM | Anonymous
    Kolapore had 15cm+ of snow overnight.  The snow gauge is up to 40 cm, which is the highest it has been all season.  Skiing was generally very good, although you will still hit the occasional rock.  Enjoy it while it lasts!
  • 11 Feb 2012 7:30 PM | trail updates

    As you can see in the previous post, Kolapore has about 4 cm of new snow.  The Scenic Caves website this morning claimed that they had 12 cm of new snow, so several Kolapore Trail Guides went there to check it out.  Yes, they did have the 12 cm, and skiing was excellent.   (Skiing at Scenic Caves is relatively expensive - $18.50 on weekends.  Two for one passes are available on page 17 of the 2011- 2012 Winter Guide published by the Ontario Snow Resorts Association.  Copies of the Guide are available in the Georgian Triangle Tourist Information Centre in Collingwood.)  We are hoping that the potential squalls will improve Kolapore conditions in the near future. 

    Kolapore Trail Guide     

  • 11 Feb 2012 10:58 AM | Anonymous
    Kolapore has received about 4 cm of snow overnight.  This is not enough to provide decent skiing on the icy, rutted tracks.   There is more snow in the forecast for tonight - I will provide an update tomorrow morning.
  • 06 Feb 2012 6:45 PM | Deleted user
    The following comments are based on a ski around County Forest this afternoon.  There is still snow in the forest  - 15 cm at the snow gauge, and less where it is packed on the trails.  Rocks are starting to appear, and there are some wet spots.  Skiing was fair this afternoon because the mild weather (+3) thawed the icy track.   County Forest has had a number of snowshoers, walkers and dogs, so the tracks are deteriorating.  After the trails refreeze, (which will happen this evening) we strongly recommend not using the trails until there is new snow.
    Kolapore Trail Guide (NOT Brandon)
  • 01 Feb 2012 7:50 PM | Anonymous
    There is still a reasonable amount of snow in the bush at Kolapore, although many rocks are starting to re-emerge after the thaw yesterday and today.  (The snow gauge was at 27 cm - 11" yesterday morning, but that was before the real thaw.)  There is enough snow (particularly in the less rocky areas) for decent spring skiing as long as the snow is soft.  Once the snow refreezes the trails will be icy and rutted.  Under those conditions, skiing on the Kolapore trails is not recommended until we get new snow.
    Kolapore Trail Guide 
  • 29 Jan 2012 10:32 AM | Anonymous
    Kolapore has received over 15 cm of snow in the past 24 hours.  Skiing should be excellent today.  On the less used trail you should be prepared to "break trail" - wear your gaiters.
  • 27 Jan 2012 3:55 PM | Anonymous
    The following observations are based on a ski around the County Forest that I just completed.  There is 17 cm (7 - 8") of snow at the snow gauge, of which about 5 cm is newer snow on top of the crust.  The newer snow is quite wet, so the skiing is sluggish at the moment.  Fortunately, I think all the precipitation last night came as snow.  In the County Forest most of the rocks are covered and there isn't much in the way of wet spots.  Skiing will still be rougher on most other trails.  The wind storm brought some branches down - please help other skiers by picking up where possible.  If you come across a large branch or a tree down, please post the info here or send an e-mail to, so that we can fix the problem if it is possible. 
    Kolapore Trail Guide   
  • 24 Jan 2012 12:04 PM | Anonymous
    Kolapore was subject to the general thaw yesterday, and at the time I'm writing (10 AM) there has been about 1 - 2 cm of new snow.  I strongly recommend staying off the Kolapore trails until there is substantial additional snow - they will be icy and rutted.  I will do another posting as soon as there is more snow.  I encourage others to post information on the trails as well.  Kolapore Trail Guide 

Recent TrailForks reports

(Trail, Report Date, Condition)

*Please note the dates on the trail reports. Some of Kolapore's trails take a couple of days to rebound after rainy weather.

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