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Kolapore wilderness trails

TRAIL Conditions

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  • 25 Feb 2019 2:00 PM | Anonymous

    Kolapore received about 15 cm of snow last night and this morning, and squalls are continuing as I write this at 2 PM.   This new snow is on top of a substantial base that survived the rain that fell on Saturday night/Sunday morning.  When conditions settle down tomorrow there should be some good skiing, if you are willing to break trail. Because of the strong winds, there are likely to be branches/trees down.  If possible, please remove branches.  If the job is too big send an e-mail to, and we'll see what we can do in the short term.  Kolapore Trail Guide

  • 21 Feb 2019 12:30 PM | Anonymous

    Kolapore didn't sustain much damage from the freezing drizzle/ice pellets that came down last night.  I did a ski in County Forest this morning, and would rate conditions as at least "good".  The ice granules are fine enough that they actually put a bit of fresh surface in the track.  That being said, the trails have been heavily used since the last significant snowfall, and trails will be well packed and fast.  Kolapore Trail Guide  

  • 19 Feb 2019 12:59 PM | Anonymous

    The Kolapore Trails still have good skiing conditions in most areas, but there was lots of use on the weekend, and many of the hills are very fast.  We had a cm or two of light powder this morning, which will help a bit.  The snow gauge is at 43 cm (17"), and much of that is a firm base.  Kolapore Trail Guide

  • 15 Feb 2019 8:47 PM | Anonymous

    Ski conditions yesterday were good to excellent.  With the 8 cm of fresh snow we received overnight they should be excellent today.  Most of the trails were skied in yesterday.  There are likely to be lots of skiers out this weekend, and the trails will get fast.  The Kolapore parking lot on Grey Road 2 has shrunk somewhat, and may be full at times.  Kolapore Trail Guide 

  • 13 Feb 2019 7:36 PM | Anonymous

    It's hard to tell how much snow Kolapore received recently because there has obviously been a lot of blowing, but this afternoon my estimate is that there is about 15 cm of powder.  This is on top of 25 cm of firm base (at the snow gauge).  Because of the firm base, trail breaking isn't too hard.  Ski conditions should be great after a few skiers are through.  Thanks for the previous post noting that the Kolapore parking lot is plowed.  A reminder to Kolapore Trails Association members that our Soup and Ski event is on this Sunday - please register in advance so we know how much soup to make.  Kolapore Trail Guide

  • 13 Feb 2019 3:24 PM | trail updates

    So much new snow!   Only Church loop and wild mouse broke (had to go to work :( ).  ...good solid base so didn’t sink too deep breaking trail. 

    Lot was plowed also 

  • 13 Feb 2019 9:21 AM | Suzy Sheppey

    Crazy winds yesterday but conditions were great ..only skied the church loop as the creaking trees above and snow changing to ice was getting to me.  Not sure how much was ice but was snow later in the day so trails should still be great and may need to be broke again.  

  • 05 Feb 2019 2:15 PM | Anonymous

    Kolapore had warm conditions (+8) and heavy rain yesterday.  With the drop in temperatures the trails are now icy.  I would recommend staying off the trails until we get some new snow.  I think we will still have a decent base in the forest, but it is possible that in some open areas the trails will have little or no snow cover.  Kolapore Trail Guide 

  • 03 Feb 2019 10:43 AM | Anonymous

    At 9 AM it's a bit above freezing.  There's lots of snow, and decent tracks, but there is also rain in the forecast for today (and even more tomorrow).  

  • 31 Jan 2019 8:36 PM | Stephen Couchman Catherine Smart (Administrator)

    Main Paradise Highway loop and Wild Mouse have been broken in. Parking lot has been ploughed and in good condition. Get out tomorrow if you can. It should be extraordinary. Extra trail karma points for the first person around Northwest Passage. Remember, the Trail Association pays for all trail maintenance along with ploughing and toilet rental. Please leave a little something at the donation station to help us out. 

Recent TrailForks reports

(Trail, Report Date, Condition)

*Please note the dates on the trail reports. Some of Kolapore's trails take a couple of days to rebound after rainy weather.

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